Planetary gearboxes are particular components made up of straight toothed cylindrical gears for the transmission of motion and power.
They consist of a pinion (solar) positioned inside the reducer, connected to a series of gears inserted (planetary) in an external toothed crown. The sun wheel is driven by a motor and transmits its movement to the surrounding planetary wheels, effectively guaranteeing the maximum precision of this type of gearbox.
The advantages that planetary gearboxes offer are:
high reduction ratios
high torques to be transmitted
high loads to bear on the output shaft loads.
Since they are very robust devices, as they are able to withstand high torques and overloads, planetary gearboxes are historically used both for self-propelled machines and for industrial automation systems.
RIDUTTORI ITALIA designs and manufactures planetary gearboxes of all sizes, with the possibility of customizing the mechanical characteristics to better adapt to the specific application: contact us for a quote!
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